Is there really such a thing as Healthy Chocolate? – YES, there is!

This is how I found out about it and why it was such a great product for me.

Several years ago, I injured my back sliding down three steps on black ice and landing on cement.  The pain it caused in my lower back was excruciating.  I had never experienced chronic pain like that in my life, and couldn’t believe that someone could live through that kind of pain.

I had compressed (bulged) two discs in my lower back, with arthritis in the three vertebras around those discs.  I had fractures all over in the sacrum and sacroiliac joints.  There was tremendous nerve damage, so much that to even touch the skin on my lower back, it felt like thousands of hot burning needles.

Surgery was not an option, so we spent over thousands of dollars trying all kinds of therapies, treatments, alternative therapies, decompression, sacral cranial therapy, etc. with no relief.  When I would go to therapy, the tears would just flow continuously from the pain and I couldn’t even get through five minutes of the simplest moves.  I felt like my life was over.  We have five boys, and it was a struggle to make it through the day to be there for them.  I was pretty much living in bed because the pain was increased immensely the longer I stood, and I couldn’t sit without feeling like I was going to die.

After 2 1/2 years of living life like this, a close family friend introduced me to Xocai healthy chocolate.  My first response was that I couldn’t eat chocolate because I’m allergic to caffeine and the sugars that are in chocolate.  I would get migraines if I ate chocolate.  She said I could eat this kind of chocolate because there is no caffeine in it and no add sugars.  Pure unprocessed cacao is an anti-inflammatory, and it would most likely help my back pain.  So I decided to try it for a while.

chocolate-facts-card-blankAfter about 2-3 weeks of eating Xocai, the inflammation in my back decrease significantly and I was finally able to start moving around easier.  I went back to physical therapy and learned how to strengthen my back.  The nerves began to repair and heal, and I started feeling better.

I’m so excited to finally be able to eat chocolate again! I can eat several pieces and day, and know that it is helping my body.  No allergic reaction.  I’m a firm believer that it helps with so many of our health problems.

You can learn more about Xocai healthy chocolate here:







