New Year ‘Intention’

Every new year I ponder a lot on what my goals should be for the coming year. I’ll be honest, I actually kind of stress about it. A couple weeks before the end of this past year, my friend told me she was going to live with ‘intention’. That was going to be her goal. I thought a lot about that over the next couple weeks, and as I was reading different articles the word ‘intention’ kept coming up. It really started resonating with me. One morning I got up and took my thyroid medicine robotically like I always do early in the morning, and a few minutes later I couldn’t remember if I’d taken it or not. I decided right then and there that I was going to live with ‘intention’ and I was going to consciously be present.

For this year, I’m not stressing about goals. I feel at peace living with intention. I get up and intentionally take my medication and supplements thinking about the good they’ll do my body. I intentionally think about my morning workout, focusing on the muscles and motions my body is doing. I intentionally eat foods that I know are good for me and will help by body heal and be strong. It’s a great feeling to be conscious about the things I’m doing each day.

As you’re thinking about your New Years goals, whatever they maybe, do them with real intention. Another thing I’m doing is ‘living in the moment’. As I’m intentionally going about my day, living in the moment helps me appreciate everything I’m doing even more than before.

Another thing that has been on my mind a lot, is making small changes as we go along. Wanting to feel better quickly has been a big determination in my life the last several years. But I’ve learned that you can’t make changes all at once. It’s a process, step by step. In upcoming posts, I’ll be sharing some ideas of small changes you can make, just step by step, that will help you in your health journey.