Green Smoothie Girl Special Group Buy now thru November 30, 2016

Looking for an awesome deal on healthy foods? Green Smoothie Girl annual group buy is going on now!

We’ve been using Green Smoothie Girl products for a few years now. We use the protein powder every day. My husband likes to mix the chocolate flavor with water and fruit. I use a scoop of vanilla or chocolate in my smoothie that I make for lunch. We feel good about using this protein powder. There’s no dairy (whey), soy or fillers. It has organic pea protein, organic hemp seed protein, and organic maca. All super good for you! Right now through the end of November, if you use this link:                                you’ll get the special Group Buy where the Protein Powder is ‘Buy 2 Get 1 Free!’ While you’re there, check out the other great deals!picture1




Three Quick and Easy Ways to Calm Anxiety and Stress

I don’t know about you, but Election Day brought on major anxiety for me! I really don’t like to get involved in political stuff, and kept telling myself that all my worrying wouldn’t change anything. But I could just feel it building…. anxiety, big time. So here’s a couple quick ideas I have found to take the edge off my anxiety and stress.

Take a deep breath through your nose counting to 10, then hold for 8-10 counts and then slowly release through your mouth (try for 10 counts).  Repeat about 3 times.  You can wait a couple minutes and do it again.

Next is lavender.  Over the last couple years, I have found that lavender essential oil helps calm me.  I put a drop on the bottom of each of my feet and put the bottle by my nose take a deep long breath.  I also do this at night to help me sleep better.


Recently, my doctor recommended I take L-Theanine when I’m extremely stressed.  L-Theanine may help relieve stress by inducing a relaxing effect without causing drowsiness.  It helps to calm me down, and there are no known side effects.

After doing these three quick and easy things, I was feeling somewhat better and calmer.  If you have more time, a nice long warm bath with some Epsom salts and lavender essential oil is heavenly. Oh, and of course a piece of healthy Xocai chocolate can never hurt.







