You Are What You Eat ~ Food for Thought

When I was a young child, I remember learning about the food pyramid in elementary school.  One thing that stuck out to me was the old saying, “You are what you eat”.  Being so young, the thing I remember from that was if I eat pork, I’m a pig.  I didn’t really grasp what it really meant, and I’m not sure people now really think about what they’re eating and how it affects your health.  Overall, it comes down to eating clean whole foods with high vibrations and avoiding processed foods with low vibrations.

Old Pyramid: Eat lots of breads, cereal, rice and pasta. Throw in some fruits and vegetables, then some dairy and meat (protein). Use fats, oils and sweets, sparingly.



New Pyramid: (They tried to balance it out a little more.) Grains – eat whole grains.  Vary your vegetables and fruit -go easy on fruit juice. Dairy – low fat or no fat. Meat – lean cuts and seafood.  Avoid frying.  Notes made on chart – Most fat should be from fish and nuts. Limit fats. Keep consumption of saturated fats, transfats and sodium to a low. Choose foods low in sugar. They added exercise – physically active for at least 30 minutes a day.  A very good thing to do!

I’ve learned a lot about food the last few years dealing with Hypothyroidism (low thyroid), Hashimoto’s Disease (antibodies attacking the immune system) and Heavy Metal Poisoning (and trying to detox).  Our food isn’t what it used to be.  GMO’s -genetically modified foods, pesticides -especially RoundUp, chemicals, preservatives, additives, hormones, antibiotics, etc. are ruining our food and in turn are making us sick.  We really are what we eat.

It’s so important to eat non-GMO foods.  Choose organic whenever possible.  Don’t eat processed food.  They’re laden with chemicals and preservatives.  Eat clean whole nutritious foods. Vegetables and fruits have a high vibration of nutrition.  Processed foods have a very low vibration.  If you want to have energy and feel good, then it’s important to eat high vibration foods.

Use fats that are good for you (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, etc).  Never use vegetable oil.  It’s highly processed, contains GMO’s and contains saturated and transfats (the bad fats).

Be careful about what dairy and meat you are consuming.  Cows are fed GMO’s, given lots of hormones and antibiotics.  Look for grass-fed animals.  Eat fresh wild caught fish (never farmed).

Sugar – the most addictive food. It’s been chemically altered, and a very common ingredient in processed foods is corn syrup.  Our bodies don’t know how to process it.  Sugar feeds cancer cells.  Try switching sugar intake to more natural sweetness like raw honey, stevia, and pure maple syrup.

Salt – use Himalayan Salt or Sea Salt.  Never white salt that has been chemically altered.

Be grateful for the food you eat! Healthy nutritional food helps your entire body and gives you energy so you can be the best you can be.






